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Fernhurst Primary School

Robins (Year 4)


Year 4 have been working so hard on their Viking boats for DT - they have researched them, designed them, made them, tested them, and evaluated them! Take a look at the Sway link for photos:



In our science days this half term we have enjoyed lots of fantastic learning about electricity! We started off our days by playing some battery operated games like Operation, a buzz-wire game, and a remote-controlled car. Then we thought about what appliances we have in our home which use electricity - we thought of lots! We then started to think about electrical safety, and how we can keep ourselves and others safe when using electrical items. We made wonderful posters showcasing this. We ended our first day by building our own electrical circuit, and decided if different circuits would work or not. We did this by learning the key components that are needed for a closed circuit (which means it will work).

Our second day started off by learning all about conductors and insulators. We learnt that an insulator prevents the electricity from flowing, and a conductor allows the electricity to flow. We then tested lots of different materials and predicted if they were conductors or insulators, and then tested them in our circuits. We finished the day by making our very own ‘Buzz-Wire’ games, which was a brilliant way to put all our learning into practice!

Click the link to the Sway for pictures: 



Thanks to Fernhurst Tennis Club the children in Year 4 have had the wonderful experience of taking their tennis lessons to the courts at the Recreation ground for this term's tennis lesson.

The lessons have been taught by club coach Harry and generously funded by the club meaning that there was no charge to our children for this fantastic opportunity.

The children have gained a great deal from this opportunity stating that "It is really fun to learn a new sport and play outside in the fresh air", "I'd seen the courts before but never been on them, it has been really fun, I'd like to play more." "I love the lessons I do there on a Saturday afternoon, I hope more friends from school come to the lesson too."  

To find out more about opportunities to join the club and enjoy more tennis at this fantastic local facility visit:

Watch this space to see how we continue our work with Fernhurst Tennis Club next year.  Massive thanks to volunteer Charlotte Le Butt who has helped this partnership come together.

Here is a Sway link to the photographs:  



We are looking forward to the Y3/4 Residential in July.  A copy of the presentation shared this evening will be emailed home.  If you would like a printed copy of the packing list or have any questions please speak to Mrs Kelsey or Miss Jameson.

Summer 2

In Summer 2, your teacher will be Miss Jameson for most of the week, and you will be supported in the classroom by Miss Roberts. You will be taught by Miss Allen on Monday afternoons, and you will have double PE lessons on Thursdays. (Weeks 1-3 will be tennis lessons at Fernhurst Tennis Club with a specialist tennis coach, and weeks 4-6 will be athletics at school with Mr Neate.)

Here is a link to your RKE's for Summer 2: 

Please see below a typical timetable and our topic overviews for this half-term.


Wow- considering it is only Tuesday, we have had an AMAZING start to the week with not one, but TWO trips.

On Monday, Robins class had a delicious afternoon at the factory where Dylan's Ice Cream is made! We started by learning all about the ingredients which go into the ice-cream mixture, and used our mathematics skills to make sure we measured the right amount. After adding the ingredients (we were all shocked at the amount of sugar that went in - not that it stopped us eating it, of course!) then we put it in the industrial ice-cream mixture, and waited for it to get to -6 degrees, where we watched it turn from a liquid into a solid. We then had a chance to flavour our own small batch, and mixed different ingredients in; like cookies and cream, sprinkles, and crushed up Oreos! And then to finish off the trip we, of course, put our tasting skills to the test and tried the ice-cream we had made. It was a really fun afternoon - thank you very much to Ben at Dylan's Ice-Cream for having us. Here is a Sway link with some photos: 

On Tuesday, Robins, Deer and Owl class all set off on an amazing adventure to Marwell Zoo, to support their science learning about animals from this year. We had an amazing day- we saw so many more animals than we thought we would! After we arrived, we set off and saw penguins, flamingos, rhinos, a white leopard, giraffes, zebras, a tiger - and many more! Then we went to our workshop, where Zoo Sue taught us all about animal classification, and showed us different skulls from animals of the different groups. She taught us a fantastic pneumonic to remember them - FARMB - can you remember what they all stand for? She told us that there was an animal from each group in the Tropical House. Could you find all 5? Miss Jameson could only find 3! After lunch we headed round the other side of the park, and saw okapi, a red panda and a variety of monkeys. Everyone had a fantastic day and certainly learned a lot about animals. A huge thank you to all the volunteers who came with us, the children all enjoyed learning outside of the classroom and seeing some completely new animals. Fernhurst certainly has some zoologists in the making! Here is a Sway link with some photos: 



This week in art, Robins class has had some amazing afternoons creating inspiring artwork. We have been looking at patterns of the rainforest, and started by making a mood board. Using our mood board, we have created a collage which we turned into a repeating pattern. We then turned our pattern into a batik using PVA glue and then painting around the glue, then washing the dried glue off to reveal the pattern underneath. It has been a lovely week of art - ask us all about it! 

See some pictures here:



This week in year 4, we have done some fantastic learning for our history topic. We have been learning all about how and why the Anglo-Saxons came to Britain, and all about Anglo-Saxon life. On Tuesday, we enjoyed making our very own version of a Wattle and Daub wall, and then we could really think about the advantages and disadvantages of this method. Ask us about it at home, if you haven't heard about it already! 

Please click on the link below to see some photos.



Thank you very much to those parents who attended our Year 4 Open Classroom this morning. It was fantastic to have so many grown-ups come to our classroom and share our learning. It was fantastic to have your support with our morning maths, and we hope that you enjoyed watching a My Happy Mind lesson, and that this will encourage you to talk to your children at home about their brains and how they work. Can you ask them what else has been stored in their hippocampus today?! 


Summer 1

In Summer 1, your teacher will be Miss Jameson, and you will be supported in the classroom by Miss Roberts. You will have swimming lessons on Thursday afternoons where you will be accompanied by Mrs Kelsey and Mr Neate, and on Friday afternoons you will be at Woodland Adventures with Mrs Corps and accompanied by Miss Roberts. 

Here is a link to your RKE's for Summer 1:

Please see below a typical timetable and our topic overviews for this half-term.


We have had an AMAZING half-term here in Robins class. We are working so hard and are showing signs of being amazing resilient learners. Thank you for all your hard work, Year 4 - keep it up! 

Over the holidays, please keep practising your times-tables. The statutory government test is the first two weeks after the May half-term, which will come around very quickly, so please get lots of practice in now! Here are the links to Daily 10, and the practice test:

We have enjoyed rehearsing for our Amoosing Moosical - we hope you enjoyed watching it! Here is the link to the photos:


This week, Year 4 have enjoyed their science days and have been learning all about Sound. We started the week with a sound walk, and went around school noticing lots of different sounds. It was very interesting to notice sounds we hadn't noticed before! We then made string telephones, and learnt all about how sound waves travel. We finished our first day by learning about pitch and volume in relation to musical instruments. On the second day, we learnt about how animal ears are often cone-shaped and how this helps them hear. We then planned our investigation by finding out the best material to use in ear defenders, and completed our investigation after lunch. We had a very fun and informative couple of days! 

Here is a Sway to the photographs:


Parents, you will have seen the fascilitated play ideas posters that have been on our playground since before Christmas.  (If not, take a look at the side of the PE shed and the fence around the top playground).   In conjunction with our Sports Leaders we have chosen a new set of games that the adults and older children will be helping the younger children to play during break and lunchtimes.   This wonderful aspect of our school is a joy to see as different age groups mix together and enjoy playing games.   Take a look at the ideas here:  Do these bring back fond memories? Maybe you could play these at home with friends and family members.   


In Robins Class we have had a very busy start to the half term. We have had our first production rehearsal which has made everyone very excited! It is already looking like it will be a spectacular show. 

We have done lots of Geography this week, and we had a very exciting session where we were investigating how far our food has travelled to get to the UK. We looked at different fruit packets and found their country of origin on a map. Using the scale bar, we then worked out how many kilometres the food had travelled. It really made us think about the distances our food has to travel! 

Spring 2

I can't believe we are now going into the second half of the academic year. Just think - in a few months time we'll be starting to think about moving up to Year 5! 

In Spring 2, your main teacher will be Miss Jameson, and you will be supported in the classroom by Miss Roberts. You will have Miss Hill as your teacher on Mondays, and Mr Neate will teach your PE lessons on Thursdays. 

Your PE days will continue to be Thursdays (with Mr. Neate) and Friday (with Miss Jameson). You will be doing dance in the first three weeks, and cricket in the second three weeks. 

Here is a link to your RKE's for Spring 2:

Please see below a typical timetable and our topic overviews for this half term.


This has been a very quick but a very busy half term in Robins class! We have had workshops, talks, interactive lessons and Woodland Adventures (sometimes in the pouring rain!)

Please keep up all your hard work with Boom Reader, Century and timestable practise. This half term is a wonderful opportunity to start learning your lines and the songs for our production. Above all, I hope you have a lovely and relaxing half term break.

Miss Jameson


This afternoon, children in Years 3, 4, 5 and 6 had the amazing opportunity to chat with a local author, Caroline Nicholas. Her visit was to aid us and provide us with some tips about how to structure a short story for the Royal Mint's short story competition. 

Her tips for writing an effective short story: 

  • The story has to start close to the end because you only have 500 words. 
  • It needs an eye-catching opening sentence.
  • Have not too many characters (ideally between 2 and 4) so you don't run out of words 
  • Include interesting speech to develop the story and makes it more interesting for the reader.
  • Don't go overboard with the description - use some, so the reader can picture it but not too much. 
  • Use paragraphs 
  • Apply your own hobbies, interests and learning to use as inspiration 
  • Have a grabbing title and opening line. 
  • Read, write, edit and repeat 
  • Get someone at home to read your story if you need. 

06/02/24 Safer Internet Day

Children in Y3, 4 and 5 took part in an online workshop on Tuesday 6th February as part of Safer Internet Day.

We considered how Artificial Intelligence is used already in our lives and how we can be safe with AI as we start to use it ourselves.

We decided that if using AI technology we should:

  • Always be with an adult
  • Follow the age guidance for the website you are using
  • Remember AI is not always right

  • Never enter personal information on to an AI site.

We were challenged to imagine that we were an AI site and to draw a picture of a friendly rabbit with long ears standing upright. The rabbit has a small nose and seven whiskers on each side of its face.  It's wearing a pair of trainers and has a hat on its head.  In its paw, the rabbit is holding a tennis racquet.   Have a go at home and see how different all your drawings are.



We have had a very busy start to the year here in Robins class. We have enjoyed starting our topics in Art (sculpture), music (Rock and Roll), computing (data collection), Spanish (animals), geography (map work and the local area). We have particularly enjoyed starting our science states of matter topic, as we had a visit from the Explorer scientists on Tuesday. We enjoyed a very interactive workshop where we learned all about the particles in a solid, liquid and gas. We learned what liquid nitrogen is and its properties (and how cold it is!), and we learned that dry ice is actually carbon dioxide in solid form. Lastly, we learned about combustion and how some changes of state are irreversible. It was a very fun and exciting informative start to our 'States of Matter' topic. Here is a Sway with photos from the day:



Welcome back!  Y4 had a fantastic time at Woodland Adventures this morning.  There are some photos to be seen in this sway:


Spring 1

Your main teacher will continue to be Miss Jameson in Spring 1, and you will also continue to be supported in the classroom by Miss Roberts. You will be taught by Mr Eyre on Monday afternoons, and you have the privilege of going to Woodland Adventures every Friday morning with Mrs Corps. 

Thursday is your PE day and Friday is Woodland Adventures. On Fridays you will need to check the weather forecast and come into school wearing comfortable, outdoor clothing that you don't mind getting muddy! Thursday is normal PE kit. 

Here is a link to your RKE's for Spring 1:

Please see below our class timetable and topic overviews for this half term.



Wow! What a term! I have been blown away by the hard work, kindness, resilience, honesty and perseverance shown in Robins class this term. Keep it up- I can't wait to continue teaching lots of fantastic, exciting things, and to continue watching you grow and improve. Wishing you all a Merry Christmas and a very well-deserved break.

Miss Jameson.



This week, Robins have braved the cold in our PE lessons, and enjoyed learning some balls skills. In our lesson on Thursday, it even started snowing a little! However, this didn't dampen anyone's spirits and we enjoyed getting competitive in a game of King of the Court. 




Thank you to all the parents who came to our class assembly on Tuesday. The children really enjoyed sharing some of our learning with you. Thank you also for all your support at home- it really means a lot to the children when you can help with learning at home. 

This week, we have enjoyed creating some motifs in music, and creating some performances of our favourite poems from our Writing poetry topic. 

Robins have also started working hard on learning times-tables by heart.  To support this, next week all children will be sent home with a multiplication grid to keep at home.  Please stick this up at home somewhere visible and encourage children to look at it when they practise counting in steps, when you ask them times-tables questions or when they complete home learning tasks on Century Learning or play Hit The Button.   Looking is Learning, so the more frequently children look at the grid, the more quickly they will be able to recall the facts.

Link for hit the button: Hit the Button - Quick fire maths practise for 6-11 year olds (

We also love singing Percy Parker songs to help with learning our times-tables




We look forward to welcoming you to school at 2:30 on Tuesday 21st November for our class assembly.



We are delighted to share with you the 2023-24 trips and enrichment programme on this Sway link ( The school team have been busy securing the best coach prices as well as several grants to cover or reduce costs where possible. We are delighted to have such a fabulous range of visits which will explicitly compliment learning in history, geography, DT, PSHE, RE and science.

We do recognise that asking for any contribution can feel like a lot and would like to take this opportunity to advise that if you are eligible for pupil premium funding, we will be able to cover the costs of all day visits and visitors for you. If you think you might be eligible, please apply online at

As always, there is the opportunity to pay for the year or to pay per visit. You will receive a reminder ahead of visits about payment options.  We are currently swapping from ScoPay to Arbor for payments, so you will not see all trips on your ScoPay account. Details of Arbor will be sent to you next half-term and everything will be available via a single app which should make life easier for you all.



Our first 2 weeks back after half-term have been full of learning and engagement. Thank you, Robins, for all your hard work- keep it up! 

In science, we have continued our forces topic by carrying out an experiment investigating if a heavier or lighter object falls to the ground quicker. What do you think our results were? We were thinking about the effect of gravity on each of the heavy and light items. 

In Computing, we have been learning how to crop and rotate images, which is part of our wider topic of Desktop Publishing. Next week we will be continuing to learn how to edit images by changing the colour of them.


Autumn 2

In Autumn 2, your main teacher is Miss Jameson. You will be taught by Miss Hill on Mondays, and you will also be supported in the classroom by Miss Roberts. Our PE days are Thursday and Friday.

Here is a link to your RKE's for Autumn 2:

Please see below our class timetable and topic overviews for this half term.


Here in Robins class, we have finished off the half term with some wonderfully creative work. We have finished our Pop Art pieces inspired by Andy Warhol, and they look fantastic! We look forward to sharing these with you at our Art Gallery Event in December.

We have also been writing a new chapter for the book How to Train your Dragon. Everyone has worked extremely hard on producing a fantastic piece of creative writing. 

I hope you all have a restful, relaxing and safe half term. 

Below is a lovely group photo from our Science trip to Legoland, where we learned all about Forces.


As we approach the half-term break, I want to thank all you parents and carers for the help and support you give your children at home. Taking learning into the home can be very beneficial to your child, so by helping them with spellings, timestables, Century Learning and hearing them read, you are helping their education immensely. To help your child with Timetables, a good website for this is called 'Topmarks' and the 'Daily 10' challenge is a good and quick one to practise regularly.

We have had a great week, ending in a fantastic Science trip to Legoland. I hope your child has come home with lots of good stories and you've asked them about the forces acting on a roller-coaster! Photos from the trip will follow next week.

On Wednesday we had a practical maths lesson where we were practising subtracting 4-digit numbers with exchanging. The children couldn't believe they were allowed to draw on the table..... just this once!


We have had a very busy couple of weeks in Robins class! 

In science we have been investigating living things and we went on a hunt around the school grounds to identify living things. We found lots of different species of trees, twigs and leaves, and lots of little bugs and birds.


This week in our Guided Reading lessons, we have enjoyed reading, analysing and performing T.S. Eliot's poem, 'Mr. Mistoffelees'. Here are some pictures of a few of the groups performing their interpretations of the poem;



We have had a very buzzy first two weeks in Robins class! We have enjoyed lots of new learning in maths, writing and reading, and have enjoyed starting our new topics. We finished the week by learning about tectonic plates in geography, and did an experiment to see what happens when these parts of the Earth's crust rub together. 


Autumn 1

Welcome to Robins Class!

Your main teacher this year is Miss Jameson, and you will be taught RE and Computing by Miss Sarah Allen and you will be taught PE by Miss Stacey Allen. In the classroom, you will also be supported by Miss Roberts. 

We have lots of exciting things lined up this year, including school trips, a production in the Spring Term and a residential in the Summer Term. 

Here is a link to our Autumn 1 RKEs:

Engagement at home and home learning is important. We ask that all pupils read at least three times a week and it is recorded on

If we find that we have some knowledge which is harder to remember, we can also go onto Century learning ( and all pupils have an individual login and all of the learning in personalised to them. Your teacher will always mention if they have added something on but it is always worth exploring the site and accessing the personalised learning. 

If you ever have any queries about any of our learning, please feel free to speak to Miss Jameson.

Communication is key so if there is any aspect of school life that you would like to discuss, please get in touch. 

Every half term, as a parent or carer, you will receive an email with an overview poster of what we will be learning that half term. You will also receive RKE sheets (Remember, Know, Explore) for each foundation subject we will be focusing on. These RKE sheets let you know in more detail what we will be learning about and key vocabulary which will be coming across.