About Our School
Welcome to Fernhurst Primary School!
Fernhurst Primary School is a small school with big opportunities. We are very proud of the range of experiences that we offer your children and are always striving to provide every individual with what they need in order to achieve their full potential. With a high quality curriculum which sits alongside an extensive enrichment and school club offer, we aim to ensure that everybody enjoys their time at school.
Our school motto is Nurture – Explore – Achieve because we believe that by nurturing the person, they will be in a position to explore the world around them and achieve their potential.
The children were involved in creating our vision and values and we are proud of how they conduct themselves as young people by 'staying safe', 'being respectful' and 'always trying their best'.
Fernhurst Primary School has a friendly and welcoming atmosphere and the children mix well through the year groups as well as with their own peers. To support this we operate a house system, our houses being Thunburg, Attenborough, Muir and Tree - all named after environmentalists. On entry to school each child is given a house to represent and can gain house points throughout the year.
We are proud of all of our academic achievements but also value the time we spend developing other skills and values, for example our Forest Schools programme, extensive sporting opportunities and our pastoral support to all of our children and families. We believe in developing the whole child, supporting every aspect of their development, and celebrating their individual strengths.
We have successfully obtained our Silver Award as a Rights Respecting School with UNICEF and look forward to continuing our work towards the gold award. This means that we are good at embedding children’s rights into school life, considering social justice, fairness and developing our children as global citizens. We know that our children are well-equipped for the next stage in their journey because of this work, alongside our other learning opportunities.
At Fernhurst, we are honoured to work in partnership with parents, the community, other Rother Valley schools and the University of Chichester Academy Trust. We believe that by working together we will ensure your children achieve their potential and broaden their horizons.
You will find a lot of information in our website but if there is anything you would like to know more about, or if you would like to arrange an appointment, please contact us.
We look forward to working with your children and with you to help your child ‘Nurture, Explore and Achieve’.
Mrs Jennifer Thornton