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Fernhurst Primary School

Friends of Fernhurst School ​

About our PTA  

Friends of Fernhurst School is made up of enthusiastic volunteers who help to support Fernhurst Primary School through fun and creative fundraising events and projects. Meetings are held bimonthly, and new members are always welcome to help organise events, plan activities and brainstorm.

How can I help?

There are no hours and no commitments, people simply give as much or as little as they choose! We appreciate input from across the year groups to ensure we organise events that appeal to both children and adults, so please get in touch if you’d like to get involved or if you have any questions or suggestions, please send these to: fofs@ 

What is the money spent on?

The money is used to help cover the cost of play equipment, learning resources and school experiences. Last year we raised money to cover the cost of a new playhouse for the school playground, we made music more accessible and put money towards Accelerated Reader for our Key Stage 2 children.

Who’s Who?

Chair: Anne-Marie Coleman 

Treasurer: James Crowder 

Events and socials: Kat Bedson

Disco Deputy: Tessa Crowder 

Cakesale Queen: Vacancy

Raffle Royalty: Jodie Richards 

Our trusty team: Alice, Debs, Emilia, Jodie, Kirstie, Lucy, Alex, Emma, Emma, Hazel, Tessa

FoFS Reserves

Here at Fernhurst we are lucky to have a 'FoFS reserves team'.  These wonderful volunteers offer help on an ad-hoc basis and are not required to help plan events: Alex, Amy, Asher, Debs, Louise, Tessa, Amy, Harriet, Hazel, Jess and Miranda

Class Representatives

These are the people who aim to keep the FoFs class WhatsApp groups up to date.  If you have any queries, they will happily pass these onto the FoFs team.

Yr R Squirrels: Miss Sarah Broome-Smith

Yr 1 Deer: Emma Reader

Yr 2 Owls: Kirstie Bull

Yr 3 Red Kites: Kayleigh Stonard

Yr 4 Robins: Emilia Leah

Yr 5/6 Otters: Louise James and Jodie Richards


Get in Touch

To get in touch with a committee member please either email or leave your details with the school office.

Social Media

Follow us on Facebook ( and Instagram to stay up to date with all the latest news.

Charity Commission Registration Number: 1054710