Owls (Year 2)
Academic year 2024 - 2025
Welcome to Year 2, Owls class. Our class is taught by Miss A Goldup.
Autumn 2
Our PE days are Tuesday and Wednesday for Autumn 2, with Mr Neate and CM sports.
Today, we had great fun creating different textures using paint. We have been learning about the primary colours and making different tones and shades. We will use our painted tiles to create a landscape collage inspired by Romare Bearden. We look forward to sharing our art with you at the Art Gallery on December 13th.
14/11/24 and 15/11/24
Over the last two days, we have been learning about living things and their habitats. We have explored our school to find things that are living, dead or have never been alive. We have also learnt about consumers, predators and prey. Test us to see if we can remember what these words mean and examples.
This week is anti-bullying week, and today we had a workshop about bullying and preventing bullying. We did lots of different activities, all based on a book.
Autumn 1
Our PE days are Tuesday and Wednesday for Autumn 1, with Mr Neate and CM sports.
Please find the owls parent presentation from Wednesday 4th September, which includes details of upcoming trips and end of year expectations: https://sway.cloud.microsoft/9Gy825ZWwJQC6d0a?ref=Link
Autumn 1 timetable:
Here a typical weekly timetable, but it is subject to change.
We were visited by the dogs trust today to teach us about how and when to approach dogs. As many of us have dogs, it was very useful to know when to play and cuddle our dogs and when to leave them alone. We all took much away from the session.
Today we had a very exciting day spent in the forest with Mrs Corps. We spent the day playing games together, making dens and creating our own music. We cannot wait to see what outdoor learning we get up to during the rest of this year.