Social, Emotional and Mental Health
Just as your body can become unwell, your mind can become unwell too. And just like with physical illnesses, treatment and support is available. Use the guides below to find out more about different mental health conditions, how to cope with your feelings and what support is available to you locally and online.
Social – children may need support communicating with others, trusting adults, developing relationships, understanding boundaries.
Emotional – children may experience difficulties managing their emotions, processing feelings or may experience poor sense of self worth. Their history may lead them to experience emotions in a different way to other students.
Mental Health – children may experience a diagnosable mental illness, have periods of poor emotional wellbeing etc
As a school, we work with specialists who can support mental health needs. Heather Lucas, SEMH (social, emotional, mental health) specialist and Amy Hewitt, Play Therapist, are both in school each week to work with specific children to help meet their needs.
Please contact the school if you would like to discuss support for your child.
As an Academy Trust, we believe that it is vital that we support the whole family so that the communities that we serve thrive. All parents of children enroled with a University of Chichester Academy Trust school, like Fernhurst, are able to access CareFirst, an information and wellbeing service. You will receive full details about this when you join the school. Please visit to log into your account to access support.
Helpful websites to find out more:
Emotional wellbeing information and support - West Sussex County Council