Friends of Fernhurst School (FOFs - PTA)
The Friends of Fernhurst School includes all members of the school community – as a parent you are automatically a ‘friend’ of the school and are warmly welcomed to join in with FOFS activities.
The core committee is made up of parents from across the school who can volunteer some of their time and / or expertise to support our aims. We are a registered charity that exists to develop relationships between staff, parents and others associated with the school and to engage in activities and provide facilities or equipment which support the school and advance the education of the pupils.
Our meetings are via Zoom on a Monday evening approximately once a half term. Our AGM is held in May. During the meetings we discuss the events that are planned and receive feedback from Mrs Thornton about the items that can be funded by your donations and the impact they are having on the children in school.
We have a variety of events throughout the year including (but not limited to): Autumn and Spring Discos; Christmas Cards; Christmas Party; Christmas Puddings; Summer Party; Non-Uniform Days; Cake Sales; Easter Egg Hunts; provide every child with a Christmas Present and run our toy stall at the Fernhurst Revels. We also coordinate the passing on of good condition school unform, the textile recycling bank at the entrance of the school car park and termly Work Parties to help with work needed to improve the school site.
You can get involved in so many ways depending on how much time you have available. Simply by attending the events you are supporting the school, but if you have more capacity and can donate a small amount of time at the event to help that makes an enormous difference. If you can join the committee (all are welcome) then you could join one of the teams running events and suggest new ideas.
When we receive financial contributions, this can be done either via the cash tins at the event, your Scopay account or BACS payment direct to our account. If you are wishing commit a regular donation this can be done via please do so via Standing Order to Friends of Fernhurst School, Santander, Account Number 43259501, Sort Code 090155.
Thanks to the generosity of the donations received recently, FOFS have been able to purchase Musical instruments; Y6 Leavers Books, Library and outside reading area, furniture, new Atlases, Restorative Justice and Art of brilliance workshop, PSHE resources, website support, classrooms fans, staff laptops, Accellerated Reader and more.
How you can support your school
Friends of Fernhurst School (FoFs) are always looking for parents to support their fundraising initiatives and for people to share ideas for exciting events for our children. To get in touch with a committee member please either email or leave your details with the school office.
If you would like to purchase something that the school needs, we are always very grateful for donations. Please take a look at one of our wish lists for further information.
Our Book Wish List
As part of our on going endeavours to encourage children of all ages to read and to enjoy reading, we are constantly updating our library and we welcome contributions to this to help us ensure that the children have access to a wide range of texts. Please look at our Amazon wish list
Our Playground Wish List
We are constantly striving to encourage our children to stay active at playtimes to improve their mental and physical health. We are also keen to improve our resources for wet playtimes when children are unable to be active outdoors.
To see what activities we are hoping our children to enjoy at playtime, please look at our Amazon Wish List!
Our Classroom Resource Wish List
To donate some resources to help us grow our classroom resources, please look at our Amazon Wish List!